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Saturday, June 9, 2012

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And the young woman you saw this battle, that Chu TIANXIANG body god possessed, and that comes out of the golden light, dazzling exception scared couple knee kneel on the ground and bowed to the Chu Tian Xiang.
Chu Tianxiang Seeing this, the proud hearts of joy, after all, has been squeezing the principals of the students now get his punishment, really understand the hate for those students who have received his gas solution, chanting finished pray text, old Chu a front somersault and landed on the bill before , birthday horoscopes of years principals were asked to pick up the pen to play table text quickly in the yellow sheet of paper and wrote by the incantation of the Shou, write strike! brush shot in the air, the rapid rotation of a dozen laps into the pen holder inside,store nba, dexterity and sophisticated, with one hand in the bill Qingqingyipai table text immediately blown air, Chu Tianxiang to a type of rhino Mochizuki, to prove safety shot a Jinmang the hit on the table text, table text immediately into flames, suddenly burst The dark black wind swept over the twelve fragrance incense burner Hastily picked up the pot of heaven and earth in the Seven Star cup pour drinks, continuous sprinkling dry ground cup wine into old Chu picked up prior principal couples prepare apples oranges scattered on the ground,north face resolve jacket, instant, apples oranges dry fruits look as if the air-dry in general.
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sword shouted.
Principal couple slightly raised his head, see Chu Tianxiang cross-legged on the futon, hands pinched prove safety in the chest cross several times, the mouth kept repeating the mantra that they do not understand, I saw four weeks forty-seven by TING lights flying through the air puff ...... This ceremonies Chu Tianxiang full more than two hours did not finish, he pretend to a tired look to close the bill, its purpose is to principals to receive a lot of money to the year.
Seated after the couple of years principal see Chu the Tianxiang look tired phase Chu Tian Xiang is really hard hearts of gratitude, then the Lady Road: trip! The wife of course knew her husband was upstairs Chu Tian Xiang red envelopes, and had a husband and wife to discuss in advance, ready to give hundreds of thousands of red envelopes Chu Tianxiang, but Chu Tian Xiang magical ceremonies, let him think that two hundred thousand too little, so principals upstairs to write a check.
Chu Tianxiang of course know that her mouth